Thursday, April 12, 2012

Q & A w/ Flo' Jo

This is probably the best Q & A session I've ever had....w/ the very articulate & ridiculously talented Flo' Jo, reppin Baltimore! DOWNLOAD his NEW TAPE NOW!

Q: How did Flo' Jo come about? I know you previously referred to yourself as Grim, why the change?
A: Grim had a dark sound to it. It was during a period of my life where I was going through what I thought was hell in my mind. I had a certain sound that I doesn't fit the mold of who I am anymore...and the last thing I want is to be labeled something I'm not. 

Q: What are your expectations for the new tape?
A: I want people to know that there isn't one particular style in my city. That I found a lane that works for me and that you, the listener have the choice of riding this wave with me or finding the next best thing. Even if you decide that my mixtape isn't your cup of tea at least it draws a few eyes in the direction of Baltimore.

Q: Have you given yourself a deadline to reach a certain level of success or "make it" so to speak"?
A: I'm my deadline is 26 flat out lol. I feel you can always fight the good fight but I've been fighting for 7 years now and I think I owe it to myself and the fans to keep on swinging for another year or so. Lord willing I'll be mentioned with the greats one of these days...if not life will continue.

Q: Outside of music what are some goals you have set yourself? Long & short term?
A: I'm looking to start my own clothing brand very soon. Money can be an issue at times but I'm working towards changing that as well lol. If I can't make it as an artist I want to create a open outlet for artists, photographers, musicians etc. We have so much to offer here, but often times its overshadowed by the negative images the media paints.

Q: In a time where being a rapper seems like something EVERYONE is pursuing how do you plan to stand out & be heard?
A: Good question. The only answer I can offer is good quality music plain and simple. I will continue to make the best music I know how and utilize every outlet. It might sound as though I come off carefree when speaking on a possible career in the field of music but this is a lifestyle for me. I enjoy listening and being apart of something bigger than myself, impacting someone's life in a positive way. If at any point I can change the way a person view/feel about hip hop, young black males or my city in general then it was worth the late night sessions,shows etc.

Q: So, I know you have a girlfriend, how does effect or influence your music?
A: My GF has been 110% supportive of the moves I make as an artist. I love to sample when possible..there has been times where she hips me to an artist I may have knew nothing about and gives me suggestions on how to approach of track. It's always nice to have a fresh set of eyes and ears around because I have a tendency to burn both ends of the candle sticks daily.

Q: Explain this Aura Kids Society movement you speak of so much.
A: Well...where do I begin. To understand A.K.$ you must understand Aura. Aura is what personifies you as an individual, your mojo. Your aura makes you one of a kind...a glow that can't be imitated because you set the standard of cool. Jaxso, B-Ez and myself set the standard of cool because we believe that honest quality music can never be contained. My music may never make mainstream but Jax might...or Ez and that's fine. The movement moves because as individuals we see the bigger picture..but as a team we make the nastiest combination ever! I can vouch for both of them because it shows year in/out. We don't have the biggest name in the city but people watch, ask questions, learn the lingo. Side note: Aura, no swag please leave that word in 08' where it belongs.

Q: How do you think being from Baltimore influences your music & you as a person?
A: Baltimore is tough love. If you don't have thick skin here hang it up! It's a gumbo pot of soul, rock ,jazz, hip hop and R&b. This city is rich in history and it molds the best of em. In any case if you don't learn you fall short. A lot of people who live and breathe the air here don't realize that opportunity in most cases are right around the corner or in your own back yard. Within the past 3 years I've made more contacts with men/women my age and older who can offer alliances and provide help to the listening ear. Its all apart of doing yah homework...

Q: If you had it your way where would you be in 5 years?
A: South of France sitting at a table with Quincy Jones and Pharrell discussing a major music move with a platinum album under my belt.

Fill in the blanks

1. Without music I'm Cool Blu.

2. Over drinking is a bad habit I would really like to break.

3. If I could work with just one producer it would be Pharrell.

4. In one word my new mixtape is ME.

5. The most important thing to me is Family.